Stages Of Psychosocial Development Discussion Paper

Initiative versus guilt, Erikson maintains that personality develops in a prearranged order. Kids are mandated with the right to develop, thrive, live in a sustainable world, and develop their full potential. The upcoming generation has been surrounded by several influential people in society, for instance, parents, teachers, siblings, and television characters (Sun & Sun, 2021). Kids commonly learn through sharing information and participating in activities. Therefore, kids should be at the center of sustainable goals and the next generation should be educated for sustainable development. Environmental exposure begins in the womb and it may contain effects in the entire life (Friedman & Medeiros, 2019)Stages Of Psychosocial Development Discussion Paper. The early childhood and prenatal periods have a representation of a window with specific vulnerability. In such situations, the environmental hazards can lead to premature birth and various types of other complications. To minimize kids environmental risks helps in improving kid’s health in every part of the globe. In each stage of development, a person experiences a psychosocial crisis which could be having a negative or positive outcome for personality development.


Initiative and Guilt

The developmental improvements are handy with continuous challenges in emotional stability, self-regulation, and self-understanding despite removing kids from the traumatizing conditions. When kids can overcome such conditions, there must be exceptional efforts from supporting adults (Mazaheri, Kihlgren, & Norberg, 2021). The results underscore the significance of the prevention in the intervention scenarios which place kids in very bad states of psychological risks. Some of the kids are capable of demonstrating extraordinary capacities that should overcome the extreme challenges of the early stages. Therefore it is important to treat kid’s mental health challenges at an early stage within the context of their homes, families, and communities. Emotionally, the well-being of a kid is directly connected to the functioning caregivers and in the homesteads that they occupy (Gross, 2020)Stages Of Psychosocial Development Discussion Paper. The relationship is not expected to be neglectful, abusive or psychologically harmful. Contrary, if the relationship is supportive and responsive, it buffers the young kids from the severe effects of any of the other stressors. A good kids mentor should be accountable to those that he leads. In servant mentorship, true mentors should read and study to get knowledge on how to operate according to persuasion and influence. Ontological equality does not negate functional differences but should be reflected in functional differences of operation, for instance, through accountability. According to the symbolic interactionism hypothesis, a group’s kids interact and connect.

Childhood situations in mental illness include depression, anxiety disorder, and ADHD (Krebs-Carter, 2019). The earliest experiences are attributable in shaping the architecture of a developing brain. Any forms of disruptions in the development process can affect the kids learning capabilities with long-time effects. Improving the kid’s relationship with the environment can address several things that may include failure, homelessness, or incarceration which can lead to not completing high school (Worth, 2021)Stages Of Psychosocial Development Discussion Paper. The early childhood and prenatal periods have a representation of a window with specific vulnerability. In such situations, the environmental hazards can lead to premature birth and various types of other complications. . The older generation is left with the responsibility of making sustainable education a part of the daily practices instead of a topic or a theme that considers a short period. The sustainable environments enable kids to show respect to the natural surroundings, promotes the sense of responsibility, develop social change, and be active participants of inquiry. Noteworthy, mental health problems may occur or not occur in young kids. Kids can display vivid characteristics of anxiety disorders, hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and neuron-developmental disabilities. Kids can process or respond to traumatic events the emotional in a manner that is different from other kids and adults. The idea looks at how individuals interact with their surroundings, such as symbols, language, and things, and analyses those meanings. The shared values and relevance of mixed signals and phrases promote symbolic interaction. The functionalism supposition is instituted on the foundation that civilization has rules, standards, and responsibilities that advantage the long-term existence of a collection or municipal Stages Of Psychosocial Development Discussion Paper.



In each stage of development, a person experiences a psychosocial crisis which could be having a negative or positive outcome for personality development. At home and school, sustainability in childhood education is a significant part of childhood upbringing. The older generation is left with the responsibility of making sustainable education a part of the daily practices instead of a topic or a theme that considers a short period. The sustainable environments enable kids to show respect to the natural surroundings, promotes the sense of responsibility, develop social change, and be active participants of inquiry Stages Of Psychosocial Development Discussion Paper